Agency Consultations

Agencies in the Economic and Social sectors were part of consultation discussions with Department of Personnel Management regarding five agenda items.
The consultations commenced on Monday the 28th of October to the 1st of November.
The consultations are mainly on five agenda items; Current status of unattached/excess employees, Employee Bio Data Discrepancies/Challenges, Employee Leave Data Discrepancies/Challenges, Agency 1PPP & Pos Occ Link, Agency PE Expenditure 2024.
The objective of the agency consultations is to present to the agencies their data and for agencies to verify if the data is correct for purposes of Data Cleansing.
The consultations have come about as a result of General Order 15/2024 informing agencies on the increase in the number of unattached employees in the Government Payroll System.
Circular Instruction 15 notified all agencies to review and validate their unattached/Access Officers in consultation with DPM.
A total of 70 agencies were scheduled to appear before two DPM teams for the consultations.
DPM is currently taking action on the issue of unattached and the consultations is to present to them their data for them to verify and confirm. Furthermore, the exercise also aims to provide to the agencies system Data anomalies which requires agency verification and confirmation for it to be corrected in the system.
Circular Instruction 15/2024 notified all agencies, including National Departments, Provincial Administrations and Health Authorities to review and validate their unattached officers and bring before the Consultations with DPM teams in order for the following to be assessed;
· To maintain consistency on the approved establishments data held in the payroll system
· To improve the control on the payroll costs on personnel emoluments.
· To establish data integrity in the payroll system and the 1PPP.
· And to ensure there is sound decision making, better planning and budgeting.
Agencies who attended the consultations were also reminded of the deadline of Pay 24 on November 14 when agencies will no longer have visibility and access to both the Unattached positions and the Unattached Employees.
Most agencies have turned up for the consultations while a few did not.
The 2 teams who conducted the consultations will now compile their consultation outcomes and present their reports on the Agency Consultations.