PILAG Launches New Logo

Pacific Institute of Leadership and Governance Precinct has been doing a tremendous work in upskilling public servants in necessary knowledge and at the same time driving the six values enshrined in the capability framework.

The six values being honesty, integrity, accountability, responsibility, respect and wisdom. The whole idea was evident when PILAG launched its new logo and motto recently.

Public Service Minister Elias Kapavore, when launching the new logo explained that the logo was coined to honor the past and look forward into the future with the motto “Forging a new generation of future leaders”.

“This is about the future of many more public servants who will continue to come and acquire the necessary knowledge,” said Kapavore.

PILAG is going into provinces and districts, like Telefomin and Menyama, and rolling out short courses to public servants in the province to upskill their competencies.

“The interest we have received from Members of Parliament is increasing every time and we have also received some more reports on other MPs who want to see the PILAG programs to be rolled out to our rural communities,” added Kapavore.

Kapavore and Department of Personnel Management acting Secretary Taies Sansan were invited to officiate at the launching, showing the Government’s support and aim to build the public servants capacities to better serve its people in their respective roles and responsibilities.

PILAG is headed by Acting Chief Executive Officer Angori Wewerang.