SILAG Board Members Sworn In

Board members of the Somare Institute of Leadership and Governance (SILAG) were officially sworn in on the 8th of February, 2024 at the Central Government Office Building.
Department of Personnel Management Secretary, Ms. Taies Sansan term as the Chairperson continues.
Ms. Sansan told the Board that the amendment of the Parliament Acts and the name change from Pacific Institute of Leadership and Governance (PILAG) to SILAG will fulfill its mission of providing public service training in becoming the leading institute in advancing in leadership, governance and skills, and revolutionizing the field of public service.
‘’We’re at the stage of turning SILAG into a Public Service University,” said Ms. Sansan.
She said the university will be responsible for training public servants, especially those who have graduated from Colleges and Universities, and have applied to work as a Public Servant.
Chairperson Ms. Sansan said this will allow them to know the roles and responsibilities of public service from bottom up.
“We got this challenge before us and I am proud that we have a board in place to help run the affairs of the institute,” said Ms. Sansan.
SILAG Chief Executive Officer, Michael Barobe welcomed the Board Members and appreciated the importance of having a board to run the institute.
‘’We need a board to guide us because the government has given us three years to prepare to set up this university, so the management team cannot work alone. We need a board who knows more about the public service, and can work together with Departmental Heads to deliver the main tasks in ensuring that SILAG achieves the university status by 2027,‘’ said Mr. Barobe.
Barobe added that as part of the reformation of the institution, a consultative workshop would be held in Mt Hagen Western Highland.
A similar consultation workshop was scheduled for Feb 20th in Port Moresby, which has seen all Departmental Heads and Human Resource Managers coming together to contribute ideas.
The SILAG Board is comprised of the Acting Finance Secretary, Mr. Paul Niaga, Provincial and Local Government Affairs Secretary, Mr. Philip Leo, National Training Council Director Kinsella Geoffrey, SILAG Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Barobe, Higher Education Secretary, Fr. Jan Czuba, and DPM Secretary as Chairlady.
Three other board members representing Women, Commerce and Church will be sworn in later.
Meanwhile, the board members added that the official inauguration of the Somare Institute of Leadership and Governance makes a critical milestone in the realm of public service training.
SILAG’s commitment to equipping future leader with essential knowledge and skills set a positive trajectory for enchanting governance and leadership in the years to come.
The board is of the view that as SILAG continuous to build its reputation and expand its offers, the institute holds the potential to be a transformative force, sharping the next generation of public servants and contributing to nation building.