Secretary Congratulate Heads of Agencies

Acting Chairlady of the Somare Institute of Leadership and Governance (SILAG) interim board and Secretary for the Department of Personnel Management, Ms. Taies Sansan congratulates the first batch of the Heads of Government Departments and State Agencies which graduated during the institutions 5th graduation this month.
“Ladies and gentlemen, this great institution also stands to make history and reach a milestone as ten (10)
Heads of Department and State Agencies will be the first to graduate with the Advanced Diploma of Government, Leadership and Management from this important Institution of Government” says Taies Sansan.
These senior public servants were Dr. Francis Hualupmomi, Former Acting Secretary DHERST, Dr. Mange Matui, Secretary CLRC, Mr. Michael Barobe Chief Executive Officer, PILAG, Mr. James Sea, Acting Commissioner, Office of Insurance Commission, Dr. Kulala Mulung, Managing Director Science and Technology Secretariat, Mr. Joe Itaki, Director General, National Youth Development Authority, Mr. John Mosoro, Managing Director PNG Forest Authority, Ms. Angeleen Paranda- Acting Director Legal Training Institute and Mr. Jim Abani, Chief Censor, Office of Censorship.
Ms. Sansan assured the graduands that the qualification that they will receive is unmatched, because the training that they received was skilfully structured and tailored to meet their specific public sector needs and to that the trainers are experienced and are appropriately qualified to deliver training using the Competency Based Modes of Training and Assessment.
Therefore, she is confident that they will implement and practice what they have learnt at PILAG.
“In conclusion, I want to remind the graduands that the training here at PILAG or SILAG always emphasizes the need for leading and influencing Public Sector Ethical Practices, coupled with the observance and embedding of established Public Sector Work Values. I am sure that you will live and work within these requirements as such to support the government”.