DPM Hosts HR Managers Forum

Department of Personnel Management hosted a two- day Human Resource Forum in Port Moresby this month, which has seen HR Managers and Practitioners in the Public Sector, and CEOs of State Authorities attending in numbers.
Public Service Minister, Hon. Joe Sungi was the keynote speaker who officiated the ceremony.
Parliamentary Committee Chairman on Public Sector Reforms and Government Bureaucrats, Governor Gary Juffa, Chief Secretary, Amb. Ivan Pomaleu, and DPM Secretary, Ms Taies Sansan were guest speakers at the opening ceremony.
It was the 6th annual HR Forum hosted for HR practitioners to be updated on various HR topics and plans, discuss issues affecting the HR space in the Public Sector, and find agreed solutions to these issues.
This year’s theme was, ‘Data Driven Leadership and Decision Making’.
Minister Sungi told the participants that leadership decisions must be based on credible data, and it will only happen when HR practitioners have data of staffing such as positions that are unattached, vacant, filled and such for an informed decision making processes .
“The two most important resources are Human Resource and Finance.
Departmental Heads, CEO’s of Authorities, and Provincial Administrators must work closely with their HR Managers to know the data of their staff, and ensure the Staff Performance Appraisal is appraised every six months to have a performance based public service”, said Minister Sungi.
Meanwhile, Secretary, Ms Taies Sansan, who delivered the welcome remarks said in responding to various NEC decisions and undertakings by the government to address the issues of over expenditures in Pay Bill, DPM has implemented a number of strategies across the Public Sector, and it is timely the use of technology must drive these strategies in this global world.
“DPM has recently launched the HR Transformation, where we will move away from the conventional way of perceiving digital transformation, and that is focused on technology savvy”, said Secretary Ms Sansan.
Hon. Juffa said data must be used to identify the root causes of the problems in the Public Sector, to enable leaders to solve the root cause.
Chief Secretary, Ambassador, Ivan Pomaleu, reiterated the importance of having data in decision making and challenged the Public Sector of the absence to have analyzed data to be given to leaders for decision making.