DPM Part of 11th Parliament Orientation

Department of Personnel Management was among other government agencies who made presentations to members of the 11th parliament as part of the orientation week for members of parliament.
Secretary Ms. Taies Sansan made a presentation on the legal mandate of the department.
Ms. Sansan presented that the Department is responsible for all public servants throughout the country.
“Public Service is stipulated as one of the state services under the constitution. Secretary’s presentation touched on a number of areas on the duties and responsibilities of the department under the Public Service Management Act highlighting the areas that relate to members of parliament.
In her presentation Secretary Sansan highlighted the issue of Executive Appointments providing to Ministers and Governors a flow chart of the process of executive appointments for agency heads and provincial administrators.
Secretary Sansan also provided statistics on the latest figures of the number of public servants, where teachers, doctors and nurses make up the largest chunk of the number of public servants.
She also highlighted that the largest number of public servants are front liners who are in service delivery.
These are mostly teachers and medical officers.
Secretary Sansan in her presentation also highlighted that the Minister for Public Service plays a key role in the appointment of agency heads and provincial administrators and is also given the delegated powers to make acting appointments of departmental heads.
She informed the members of 11th parliament on the role of Governors as Chair of the Provincial Executive Council who are involved in the substantive appointment of the provincial administrator.
She further informed members of parliament of the role of Open Members who are involved in the appointment of District Administrators under the DDA Act.