Implement GESI in Schools

A workshop on the introduction of the GESI Policy was presented to the Office of the Public Prosecutor, by the DPM GESI (WoG) branch.
It was attended by the Public Prosecutor, Mr. Pondros Kaluwin, and his senior management team, Prosecutors who are In-Charge of all the provincial offices.
An eye-opener session as it was, the senior lawyers have suggested for the GESI Policy to be introduced in Primary schools.
They believe this will broaden the children’s learning, their thinking capacities, and will make them to think about certain issues critically.
The Gender Equity, and Social Inclusion Policy was developed to maintain a positive and respectful work culture in the Public Service, however, the lawyers believe that it can be adapted by the Education Department and thought in schools.
They say the policy is seen as a crust to shape human mindsets and influence the next generation in the early age, so that they can practice gender equity, and be social inclusive.
DPM GESI (WoG) Executive Manager, Mr. Emmanuel Ginis said such sessions are conducted with the expectations for the government agencies to create their workplace GESI policies, include GESI activities in their corporate plans and budget, and create GESI positions.
“The creation of GESI positions and GESI Helpdesks is to affirm the implementation of the policy and taking it onboard.” said Mr Ginis.
Meanwhile, Public Prosecutor, Mr Kaluwin said his office is up to par with giving equal opportunities to its staff.
Especially having an equal playing field of likeminded lawyers despite gender, race, religion or background practicing law.
“We are in the pipeline of sending a request to DPM to approve the creation of a GESI positions throughout our PNG offices,” said Kaluwin.
“We have been left out in joining the GESI Law & Justice Sector Community of Practice, and we promise to take on-board GESI and be part of a wider community in addressing such workplace issues, harassments, GBV violences, and make our workplace a better, respected, positive and safe place to work”, Kaluwin said.